Introduction: Simple Beaded Bracelet

Here is a super easy way to make a cut and simple beaded bracelet.

Step 1: Supplies

Here is what is needed to create a cute beaded bracelet




Step 2: Cut Twine

Cut twine to the length you want your bracelet to be.

Remember to cut it a little longer than what the finished product will be since you will be knotting the twine.

Step 3: Add Bead

My next step was to add the beads.

To hold the beads in place I made a knot before and after each bead.

This also creates a cool look to the bracelet

Step 4: Tie Off

When I was done I tied off the end and added a loop to work as a fastener

Step 5: Wear

now I have a great and simple bracelet from some cool beads
