Introduction: Slow Brewed Cold Coffee

About: A geek traveling the world!

While I love being all techie and such, some things just work too well not to be simple. Slow Brewed Cold Coffee is one of them.

Here are all the things you'll need:

  • a large container/jug
  • freshly ground coffee
  • filtered water

Step 1: The Process

While I cannot claim to be the original author of this method, I have simplified it and made it as easy as possible to do.

  1. Fill your container with filter water.
  2. Add ground coffee to water, proportional to the amount of water used. (i.e. 8 grams/2 tablespoons for each cup of water).
  3. Cover container and let it sit on the counter overnight.
  4. Filter your 'cold brewed coffee' into another container, then place in fridge.

This is as simple as you can get it. It makes for an excellent summer drink but can also be easily warmed up and flavoured to your taste.

I have noted that the coffee is much stronger with allowing it to completely soak in the water as opposed to being 'rushed' the normal way.

Step 2: Simple

Like I said at the beginning. This Instructable doesn't need to be complicated to enjoy a good, strong, cold(or warm) coffee any time. It's just simple.

Caffeine Challenge

Participated in the
Caffeine Challenge