Introduction: Star Wars Blue Milk (Bantha Milk)

Remember in Episode IV, when Luke was drinking an interesting drink called "Blue Milk?" Blue Milk actually comes from a bantha, and has a supposed sweet taste. Today you will be making Blu Milk that will probably taste just like the real thing. Just that it's milk from a cow, not a bantha.

Step 1: Ingredients

You Will Need:
Food Coloring (Blue)

Step 2: Pour Milk

Serve the quantity of milk you would like. I have 2 full cups.

Step 3: Splenda

Add in the Splenda and mix.

Step 4: Blue Color

To get that Opaque Blue color, you will be adding 2-3 drops of Blue Food Coloring. Mix and your Done!

Step 5: Enjoy

Why travel to a Galaxy Far, Far Away when you can make this simple treat? Thanks for reading and have a great day.

Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest

Summer Fun Contest

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest

Fandom Contest

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Fandom Contest