Introduction: Star Wars Pepakura AT-ST

This is a puzzle of the Star Wars AT-ST. As a gift or to decorate your room. It only took about five hours of patience and dedication.

Step 1: Tools


liquid silicone glue

190 grams white paper



Step 2: Prints

You need to print the 3 pdf files. I decided to use a 190 grams paper because it's strong, and you can paint it. Laser print please!!!

Step 3: Let's Start

You must first carefully cut the pieces. I started cutting pieces of sheet 1 and immediately glue the pieces before starting the other one.

You should carefully fold the pieces as shown in the pictures.

Apply glue.

Do the same for each piece.

Step 4: Sidepieces

You must glue 4 rectangles to each side piece.

And do the same for the upper door.

Step 5: The Head

Glue all the pieces as you can see in the picture.

Step 6: The Neck

You must make a hole to introduce the cylinder.

Step 7: The Guns

With the needle make the 3 holes for the guns, and glue to the head.

Step 8: Legs

The same for the legs.

Step 9: The Feet

Step 10: Painting

If you want you can paint it with a black pencil.