Introduction: Stylish Pink Headband

About: Im a cool teen with style and stuff,Check out my stuff,it's new! I love to crochet,it's a talent I have and drawing too!One of my favorite movies is Star Wars.I love learning new things on instructables!

Simple and stylish,these are easy to make and make a really great gift!

Step 1:

What you will need:
2 Balls of yarn (different color)
Crochet hook
Yarn needle

Step 2:

Chain 60 and slip stitch at the end of chain.
(Make sure you don't twist the chain!
On round 1- single crochet threw round ss at end of each round until it reaches three inches.

Step 3: Now Decorate!

I add a blue edge to it.I am going to add some flowers to it once I'm done
Hope you like it!

Winter Wearables Contest

Participated in the
Winter Wearables Contest

Homemade Gifts Contest

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest