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Here is my personal recipe for basil tomato sauce I’ve been making for over 30 years. This recipe is both easy to prepare and from stove to table in 20 minutes!!

Step 1: Ingredients:

2 Tbsp. olive oil

5-6 large cloves garlic

1 can Hunt's Whole Plum Tomatoes, 28 Oz

5-6 Tbsp. dried basil leaves

Salt and pepper, to taste

Angel hair pasta

Step 2: Directions:

In a medium saucepan, add just enough olive to coat bottom of skillet.

Step 3:

Place garlic cloves into a food processor, process to fine cut.

Step 4:

Add the garlic to the saucepan with olive oil.

Step 5:

Cook garlic 1 minute,slightly soften garlic, but DON"T brown it.

Step 6:

Open the canned tomatoes and drain the liquid into the saucepan.

Step 7:

Add the tomatoes into the food processor, PULSE 1 TIME!

Step 8:

Add the chopped tomatoes to the saucepan.Stir to combine ingredients.

Step 9:

Season the sauce with salt and pepper. Bring to boil, turn heat to low, simmer 15 mins.

Step 10:

Add the BASIL, about 1/2-3/4 container of basil leaves.Stir in the basil in, evenly combine.


NOTE: This is the important part, the BASIL, this is where it gets confusing to others: If using McCormick Basil Leaves 0.62 container, use about 1/2-3/4 of it). If sauce looks like you add too much basil, that’s what it's supposed to look like!!

(Pictured is what was left in the container of Basil after I used it.)

Step 12:

Simmer the sauce for another 5 minutes.

Step 13:

Cook the angel hair according to the package instructions for al dente. Drain and serve immediately with sauce.

Step 14:

Note: I like this sauce even better the next day and equally tasty cold!!!