Introduction: Uses for Turkey Neck Bones ~

How to take the turkey neck(s) you used to make your Thanksgiving dinner gravy and transform them into Christmas tree ornaments and/or a voodoo totem hanger-thingie ~

Step 1: Have Necks -- Make Gravy ~

Take one turkey neck (inside your turkey) and/or buy a package of three necks and simmer for broth to make and enjoy a wonderful gravy for your Thanksgiving dinner.

Step 2: Clean Neck Bones ~

Each turkey neck should yield five intricate vertibral bones. Boil them in water until all meat softens and falls off. Brush with dish detergent and use a skewer to remove any remaining tissue, such as spinal cord. Rinse well and let dry or dry in a slow oven. (Keep out of reach of pets).

Step 3: Make Ornament ~

Use your imagination and all or some of the following items to decorate one or two vertibrae: satin cord, plastic beads, paint, colored markers, glitter, etc. Have your kids help.

Step 4: Make a Voodo Totem Thingie ~

With any leftover bones, string through the spinal cord canal and hang or save for next Halloween. This is a multi-holiday project!