Introduction: The Serial Number Trick

About: Music IS the drug.
Easy Magic Trick. All you need is a dollar bill. They will think you have psychic powers!

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Step 1: The Trick

There is a number that appears in all four corners of a $1 bill. the point of this trick is to guess that number without seeing it.

Step 2: The Dollar Bill

Ask a member of your audience to take a dollar bill out of their wallet and fold it as shown to hide the corner numbers.

Step 3: How Its Done

There are two ways to read this portion of the bill to learn the numbers in the corners. the first letter in the serial number corresponds to the number in the corners and also the letter in the circle on the left side of the bill.

A=1 B=2 C=3.....

Step 4: How to Work It.

the best way to pull this trick off is to use multiple dollar bills and really get your audience going!

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