Introduction: The True Army Survival Kit

About: Im always up for trying something new. I can figure out how something works if you give me 5 minutes with it, and im always trying to improve on things. Theres nothing i cant temporarily fix, and i feel lost w…

Here is the survival kit that they use in the army. I dont have all of the gear, so I will show you the pages from the us army survival book.

Step 1: What to Do

So here is what the army uses

Go here (too much to type)

Read next step for my personal survival kit That I personally made.

Step 2: My Personal Survival Kit

Ok, I realized that a survival kit isn't practical so I only carry 2 things, and my skills.

What do I carry you ask?

Pocket knife
Survival skillz
(you can get the firesteel and knife all in one like the pic, I just lost the knife so I now just carry separate tools)

I used to carry the same knife in the pic, but I dropped it while fishing. It is now at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.