Introduction: The Best Two-step Cranberry Sauce Recipe Ever

About: I am a farm kid and my dad is also a builder, so my younger brother and I like playing on the computer, making rockets and other cool things from Instructables and other places. I'm not on Facebook because my…

This is the homemade cranberry sauce we always have for Thanksgiving (Canadian *and* American).  My grandmother and mother have always made it, it's the recipe from the back of the bag of fresh cranberries, though my mom uses a little less than the full cup of sugar.


1 bag fresh cranberries, 1 cup water, 1 cup (we like it with just a little less) sugar

Step 1: Step 1

Rinse cranberries, and add to pot with sugar and water.  Mix.

Step 2: Step 2

Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until cranberries start popping.  Cook for about 15 minutes.  Cool, and store in a glass jar.

Much better than storebought!