Introduction: Trick Flip-Flops- a K'nex Ball Machine Element

About: I like to build with K'nex and Lego.

These are instructions for one of my ball machine elements called Trick Flip-Flops. It looks like an element containing normal flip-flops. However, I call it Trick Flip-Flops because the flip-flops are weighted on one side and go back into place once triggered by a ball. Below is the parts list:


Green: 24

White: 16

Blue: 43

Yellow: 14

Red: 5


Dark Gray: 24

Red: 25

Purple: 34

Yellow: 17

Blue: 6


Grey Spacer: 8

Large Tire: 1


Step 1: Build the Base

Step 2: Build the Middle Sections

Follow the pictures 2 times so you will have 2 Middle Sections.

Step 3: Build the Top Section

Step 4: Build the Flip-Flops

Follow the pictures 4 times so you will have 4 flip-flops.

Step 5: Put It All Together