Introduction: ULTIMATE Lego Butterfly Knife

About: I do a few projects here and there but not much

This is a lego butterfly knife that does tricks. And it's surprisingly fun.

Step 1: Bricks

3 1x16s (with holes)
4 1x14s (with holes)
12 1x4s
2 4x6 plates
2 smooth round axles

Step 2: "Blade" and Axles

Get the three 1x16s and put them together so the middle one sticks up 1 stud then put the axles in the bottom two holes.

Step 3: Handle

Get the 1x14s and put them on the axles.

Step 4: Weights

Get the 1x4s then cover the plates with them then put the plates on the handles.

Step 5: Your Done!

Have some fun and try new tricks!