Introduction: Unusual Use for a Lipstick

About: I love creating objects out of recycled material

When we're travelling, we need to hide the money. A empty lipstick container can be used as a secret place for our banknotes.

Lipsticks are in our bags, inside another small bag.

Step 1: Clean Up the Lipstick Container

We will use a small spoon or a spatule to cut of the top, and we will use some paper and alcohol to clean up the lipstick container

Step 2: Empty Container

When the lipstick tube is empty, it will be ready to be used as a secret container

Step 3: Folding the Banknotes

Step 4: Secret Container

Nobody Will Know Where Are the Banknotes

Step 5: Where Is the Money?

Travel Contest 2017

Participated in the
Travel Contest 2017