Introduction: Vinyl Record Shelf

A shelf to store your vinyl records for less than 5 €
( Me, she even costed me nothing at all, 100% recovery)

Well, it will take 3 or 4 vinyl sacrifice !

Step 1: What You Need

board pallet

equerre metal

vinyl record



Step 2: Structure of the Shelf

Sand and cut the boards according to the dimensions you want to have

Step 3: The Body Frame

After assembly with screws and equerres , I put a little gray paint to have an agreement with our finishing salon.

Step 4: Reccord Vinyle

To bend the disc. It must be heated .
I use a heat gun , as I slowly pass at the crease . By blocking out the disc , we get to make regular fold. Be careful not to overheat the same place , otherwise the vinyl will quickly begin to melt.

Step 5: Finish

Then I drilled discs to fix on the board.
(I think I'll have a little strengthening drives because they tend to fold when it stores the other drive)

(Sorry for my very bad english)