Introduction: Virtual Letter Batch File

About: Hello guys, Here we are for sharing our knowledge. We are trying to share it to every person.

This batch file is just for fun. Just download it, change the file extension from .txt to .bat and Run it.

It will make you feel like someone is typing a letter for you. You can update it as per your need and send it to someone.

For more batch file/computer related stuff, visit our blog

You can also copy the below code in notepad and save the file with .bat extension.

:: Read Me :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:: This batch file is just created for fun. :: You can update it as per your need. :: If you want us to create any batch file for you. :: Mail us @

@echo off TITLE Happy Birthday John..!!! MODE CON: COLS=70 LINES=25 call :StartCard

:StartCard set NUM=D 2 8 1 B C D F REM set NUM=D for %%x in (%NUM%) do ( for %%y in (%NUM%) do ( color %%x%%y cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O echo. echo. echo. echo O O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O echo O O O O O O O O O O echo. echo. echo My Dear John echo. timeout 0 >nul ) )

REM Page 1 color 9A MODE CON: COLS=60 LINES=18 set pageno=1 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 3F goto VirualConversion

:VirualConversion echo. call :Write "# Heyyy John..." %pageno% echo. timeout 3 >nul

call :Write "# Wishing you a Many Many Happy Returns of the day... # Happy Birthday my dear John :)" %pageno% echo. timeout 3 >nul

call :Write "# Right now, i am typing this letter for you. So, get your chair, sit and read me. You dont have to turn the page. It will automatically change after few seconds." %pageno% echo. timeout 5 >nul

call :Write "# I wish i could be there with you to celebrate your bday. You know, I always want to be there with you. I want to see you smile on this special day. # I know this is your first b'day without your family and friedns. But, i also know, god will make this day special for you. because you are son of shiva. :) # Today, i just wanna talk with you with this virtual conversion. :) I just want to make you feel like we are talking face to face right now." %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 2 set pageno=2 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 97 echo. call :Write "# Do you remember the first day in CWS? Presentation day? It was first day we met and our friendship started. # The first call was for John ****** and i thought you got selected. But after some days you told us the real story that you were selected for Testing not development. But development was something you wanted to do and finally you were with us as developer." %pageno% echo. timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 3 set pageno=3 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color B0 echo. call :Write "# At Training period we enjoyed good time of our life. It was something like childhood of our life. Those days were really memorable because i got my first Best Friend [U]. # We were talking too much after office time and after talking with you, after knowing you I felt you are the one i want as my BFF. you have all the characteristics i was looking for in BF. # Most of the time our though processes were same and it was like we are from the same family." %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 4 set pageno=4 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color F0 echo. call :Write "# I never thought that our Friend ship will be these much long. I feel you will understand what i mean :). But, it happened. :) # After Training we moved to different team. but our friendship was becoming stronger and stronger. We knew all the person in office, especially we knew each other. You know what, you are the best person for me. the most beautiful in you is [U] and your heart. :)" %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 5 set pageno=5 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 07 echo. call :Write "# Those days were really memorable when we were going for Pani-puri, we-hive, Shambhu, Frankie, HL Vadapav and Ice- dish. You remember, we were spending some time at stairs after lunch. I can feel it. It was really golden time of our life. # We also have good memory of new office. Like Garba, Christmas, Annual function, games. One thing i remember is you always won in Garba :) and that was making me feel good. Also, you won many prices in TAB. :D How you did it John?" %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 6 set pageno=6 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 57 echo. call :Write "# One of the best thing i have ever received from you is 'Paining of Shiva'. you saw me my god by your eyes. you know, till that bday i never received any bday gift from anyone. It was my first bday gift. It was like every- thing is happening first time after you came in my life. First best Friend, First gift and .... # You were always encouraging me to do something different to do something great. But i never did something great after my college. But because of you i came to know Who I am. Thanks for always making me remember about me." %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 7 set pageno=7 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color B0 echo. call :Write "# There are many dreams you want to fulfill in your life First one is about to complete that is Masters :) and i believe other dreams you will fulfill by extending your capabilities. I believe in you John. Because you are the one who were never far from family. But right now you are. I know its not easy to stay away without MAA and PAA because they are our both hands. But you are there, which shows how much you can do to achieve something in your life." %pageno% timeout 5 >nul

REM Page 8 set pageno=8 cls echo. echo. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 97 echo. call :Write "# I know, you learnt many things there, not just education you learnt something which can be useful in your life and i always wanted to make you learn those things and now you are capable enough to fight against anything, i am feeling proud about it. # I feel you will do something amazing there in these 2 year. Something like **** ********** did :) Which will make me proudly say 'Hello Friends, He is my Best Friend John *****'" %pageno% timeout 5 >nul call :Bye

:Write set string=%1 call :GetLength %string% set string=%string:"=% set /a length=%len_% set curTimestamp=%date% %time:~0,8% for /l %%A in (1,1,%length%) do ( cls echo ******************************************************** echo * [Virtual Letter To John] * echo ******************************************************** echo [%curTimestamp%] [Page %2] echo -------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo !string:~0,%%A! ping localhost -n 1 -w 500 -l 5000 > nul ) goto :eof

:Bye MODE CON: COLS=60 LINES=10 cls color B5 echo ******************************************************** echo * Happy Birthday John... * echo ******************************************************** echo. echo. echo Smile please (*_*) echo. echo Bye. Have a Good Day...!!! timeout 3 >nul goto :eof

:GetLength set str=%1 set /a len=1

:loop set /a len_=%len% - 1 if "!str:~0,%len%!"=="!str:~0,%len_%!" goto done set /a len+=1 goto loop

:done set /a len_-=2 goto :eof

:eof exit REM