Introduction: Wall Art on Canvas

About: Hi I'm Savvy and welcome to my instructable page.

Hey , Welcome back to a new instructable. I really enjoyed this project and is suitable for children with parent help

Step 1: Equipment

You will need the following:

  1. A canvas
  2. 2 Pieces of paper- I use card
  3. Paint mostly primary colours
  4. Paint brush
  5. pencil and eraser
  6. A puncher- Mine is a butterfly you can get any type of punch

Step 2: Paint the Paper

This step is painting the paper or card, try and use different colours to create different contrast with light and dark colours. Painting the paper two different colours will allow you to create patterns when you stick it onto the canvas

Step 3: Paper Punching

I use a butterfly puncher which was given to me when I was little but I am sure you will be able to find a craft store that sells these.

The puncher can be any shape like circle or square

Step 4: Painting Canvas- If You Want

I painted the canvas black for this instructable but you can leave it white if you like

Step 5: Add the Butterflies

Use the pencil to mark out where about you are going to place the butterflies, I have 6 butterflies which fit nicely across the canvas - Depending on the size of canvas you may need more to place across the canvas. On the Black canvas I used a silver pen to add some design to the butterfly.

To stick the butterflies on I used black paint

Step 6: Finish

Your final product will hopefully turn out how you like. The picture shows the two different types the black background and the white background.

Hope you like this instructable