Introduction: Warm Sock

About: I am a high school senior in Texas, i enjoy building things, cooking, and the outdoors.

I just went to big bend and hiked a lot and I'm really sore . I decided to create a warm sock to help the sore spots.

Step 1: Materials

1. Rope
2. Microwave
4. Instant rice
5. Knife
6. Cup
7. Sock

Step 2: Getting Rice in the Sock

Get the plastic cup and cut out the bottom and remove the circle. Place the top of the sock on the bottom of cup .then pour instant Rice in till the desired amount. Remove cup from sock

Step 3: Finishing Up

Tie rope around the top closing it off. Use a match to melt the end.

Step 4: Heating

Place sock in microwave and heat for about 30 seconds then you are done

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