Introduction: Welcome to the Veganista's Kitchen!

About: 4th Generation Native Utahn; Became vegetarian in 1987 and a vegan for life in 1995. I am a concert junkie and love to attend live music events. I enjoy sci-fi, especially when it comes to Doctor Who (been a f…

I want to open my own mobile vegan eatery.  It's similar to a food truck, but with a twist...

This is my entry in the Jack Daniel's Independence Project.  My main obstacle in fulfilling my dream is funding to pay for everything I need to start this. If I should win, every step of the process of starting this business will be documented, including building a Tumbleweed Tiny Home that will be my mobile kitchen.  

Thanks for the opportunity and your support :)
Jennifer Russell-Fenus

Jack Daniel's Independence Project Contest

Participated in the
Jack Daniel's Independence Project Contest