Introduction: Wooden Dummy for Kung Fu

About: I like making things myself and learn new stuff.

This is how I did this wooden dummy. First I search google for images with measurements to have an idea.

This is intended to be used by kids and young adults so I tried to make it adjustable. At this point is unfinished, the base it's still in the design stage.

I don't have any formal wood working training, I "learned" most with "The New Yankee Workshop"

This is my first wooden dummy and my first instructable. So be nice ;-)

Step 1: Recicled Wood

I used an oak door frame for the "hands" and a teakwood for the body.

The teak was 5 feets x 8 inches x 2.5 inches.

Used a planner to bring back the nice wood looks

Step 2: Defining the Angles

Making a mockup of how I wanted the arms to end. I wanted 10 inches out of the body and 10 inches apart from each one. Then marked the wood used to illustrate the position of the body so I will get the angle needed.

Using that cut as a guide drilled 7/8 holes on the teakwood.

Step 3: A Lot of Elbow Grease

Using a wood file made the holes in the teakwood uniform and made corresponding shapes in the oak.

This step was the longest and hardest to finish.

Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

Drilled two more holes for the third arm. This one is in the center 12 inches under the other two and it's a 90 degrees from the body.

Again, a lot of filing to make the two pieces fit.

Using a round bit in a router rounded all the pieces.

Step 5: Almost Finish

I'm working on the design of the base. Got a few ideas but haven't made my mind yet.

In case your wondering of were it's the front leg of the wooden dummy. I'm making a metal base that will be secured to the dummy using the two bolts used to adjust it's height.

The bolts are 4 inches apart so the dummy height will be adjustable in 4 inches increments.

Hope this help someone to build one.

Trash to Treasure Challenge

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure Challenge

Outside Contest 2016

Participated in the
Outside Contest 2016