Introduction: Your Wedding Beauty Schedule Advice From YesMyBride Part 1

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If you have the experience of a bride or a bridesmaid girl to watch the whole process of the bridal's Beauty make up details, you will know exactly it is very time-consuming.

So we today asked some hair stylist & other make up expert to give us some advice about how to make a good Beauty Schedule.

After the bridal's usual exercise & short breakfast, the beauty journey starts! To make it more comprehensive, we should take into consideration the ample amount of time to get everyone ready. The smallest of details need to be taken into consideration when making the beauty schedule.

First you should have a look at these following tips to consider:

1. Take photos.
2. Your wedding location.
3. If you have a party?
4. Take photos.
5. Make up.

I will list the detail of these things in later blog post of YesMyBride.

Things to think about:
• Does their enough place for all of these guest?

• To notify those people who are not staying with you know the exact time of schedule.

• Hire hair & makeup people that have done weddings before & are on time & underst& your photography schedule.

• Ask a friend to recommend a good photographer, it is not easy to find a good & on time one.

• Please let your bridal party know that weather may effect their hair & they should be flexible. If it is raining, hair cannot be done multiple times, it needs to last.

• Make sure to get all of your decorations like rings, purse, shoes, hanky, gift. They usually arrive in the middle of hair & makeup. If you are helping them find your details, your timing will be off!

• Your wedding party needs to be dressed before the bride so that they all look pretty in photos, take into consideration first look, not everyone needs to be done for that.

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Find your favorite customized dresses, Winter wedding dresses, Lace wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, evening dresses and special occasion dresses at Yesmybride.