Introduction: ZipDIY Lamp Any Shape and Size

About: manufacture of lighting fixtures, and paintings from the wire and LEDs without soldering and welding

'ZipDIY' project is the research to realize complexity. I'm dealing with double curved
geometry recently, which is famous for being very difficult to be fabricated.
Fabrication of partially double-curved surfaces out of flat sheet material through a 3d puzzle
approach, which is concerned about the prototyping of double curved surface using only a
laser cutter and flat sheet materials to realize double curved surface.
The method I present here is to utilize a laser cutter and flat sheet polycarbonate, to produce
double curved models. The convenience in assembling the model and the flexibility of the
The computation starts with dividing the geometry into a diagrid pattern. The idea of ?the
division is to approximate the double curved surface by locale planar (or developable)
surface, the diagrid pattern is the best subdivision approach for the subsequence logic and
assembly, having a high degree of accuracy by utilizing the property of the polycarbonate to
bend into single curved surface.
Because we can treat each quad as two triangles (and because triangles are always planar),
we can abstract the curved surface of each quad into two triangles which is subsequently
assembled by a continuous sheet of polycarbonate.
The design of the lamp consists of a flat sheet of polycarbonate, LED lights and plastic clips
and elastic rings.
Manufactured using laser cutting and 3d printer for wire.
3D files can be ordered by mail or online.

Make It Glow Contest

Participated in the
Make It Glow Contest