Introduction: Cleaning Longboard Bearings

you wil need:

- aceton
- cleaning kit
- grease
- dirty bearings
- rags

Step 1:

taken out the rubber ore steel protective cap of by using a needle ore paperclip.

Step 2:

put the bearings on the rod with a spacer between every bearing and put the screw on the end (make Sure the steel balls Are facing upwards).
fill the bottle 1/3th

Step 3: Shake It Off!

put the lid on top and shake for 30 seconds.
refresh the aceton en repeat until the aceton comes out clean.

Step 4: Drying and Oiling

dry your bearings and If you want use compressed air to blow out any residue.
put two drips of oil on the steel balls and give it a spin.

Step 5: Reassembling

put the caps back on and your doen!