
People search for stuff at Instructables all the time. Sometimes they find what they're looking for, and sometimes they don't. But there are a few common how-tos that come up often enough that make us wonder, "why don't we have an Instructable on that?"

The answer is because no one has written one. But you can change all that.

Below is a list of Instructables that we'd like to have written.

Write an Instructable about one of the topics on the "Wanted List" and you will be eligible to win an Instructables Robot t-shirt, a Burning Questions bumper sticker and an Instructables Robot patch! The three best Instructables submitted in the contest will also win a copy of the Best of Instructables Book: Volume 1, autographed by the entire Instructables team!

Just be sure to provide a great Instructable and give it the same title as it appears in the list. Please read the full requirements below before entering as they have changed slightly from previous rounds.

Wanted List:

Remodel your kitchen Learn to dance Garden art Dog treats Remodel a bathroom Homemade pizza Carpet cleaning Homemade ice cream Fix a leaky faucet Clean windows How to make paper Canning Build hydroponics Write a resume Make an avatar Create a PDF Make your own wedding invitations Make up tips Build a wrestling ring Get on myspace at school How to make fairy wings Remove an ingrown hair Microwave potato Roasted garlic How to clean a keyboard Get rid of black circles under your eyes Grout and tile cleaning How to thread eyebrows Find your bra size Shoe shine Draw manga characters Paper mache Clean a computer mouse (updated 3/19) Homemade paper (updated 3/19)


The Instructables have to be of very good quality. So include well written text, plenty of details, original pictures, and provide a thorough answer to the question. If they're lousy (and you know when they are), your project won't be allowed into the contest. The Instructables have to include their own original images taken by you, the author. Instructables comprised of images found online will not be allowed into the group. They have to be titled exactly as they appear above. Why? Because that's what people are looking for. They have to have a publish date after March 5th. They have to be on the list! Only Instructables answering questions on the list will be admitted to the group.
If multiple users decide to answer the same question, we'll pick the Instructable that answers the question best and declare them the winner. So make sure that your answer is the best it can possibly be.

That's it, so go forth and hunt down the answers for some of these Burning Questions!

Official Rules

The Burning Questions: Round 7 is closed.

Grand Prize

32 Prizes

Grand Prize

The top three winning answers will receive an autographed copy of the Best of Instructables Book: Volume 1 signed by the entire Instructables team, and a Burning Questions prize pack consisting of an Instructables robot t-shirt, a Burning Questions bumper sticker and a robot patch.

First Prize

Winning answers will receive a Burning Questions prize pack consisting of an Instructables robot t-shirt, a Burning Questions bumper sticker and a robot patch.
How It Works

Write an Instructable

Create a new Instructable that fits the guidelines outlined in the contest description above. To be eligible, Instructables must be published between Mar 5, 2009 and Apr 11, 2009 (11:59pm PT).


Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select Burning Questions: Round 7. If you have entries currently eligible for entry, it will also show up by clicking "Enter this Contest" on the right side of this page.


Entries are accepted by Instructables staff within one business day Monday - Friday. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time.


A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff and respected members of the community rate the finalists. The averages of the ratings determine the winners.


When the winners are decided they will be notified and announced here on the contest page.