Introduction: Easy Bolt Action Blow Gun.

all u need is:
2 bic pens
fine point crayola marker
pen barell
needlenose plyers
2 rubberbands
wood skewer
stove or lighter

Step 1: Step 1

ok now take your needlenose plyers and break off the top of the crayola marker and remove the innerds

then cut off the 2 end parts from the squiggly lines on the oppisite ends of the marker

Step 2: Step 2

now take the exacto or your file and make the inside of the barell of the marker bigger so the bic will be able to do the bolt action thing (make sure u do both sides!!!)

Step 3: Step 3

now take your bic and thin out the outside of the barrell on both pens (easy to do with scizzors)


Step 4: Step 4

now take the bic u wanna use the bolt action with and cut a notch about 1/2 of the legenth of the pen..

fold and break off with needlenose plyers

Step 5: Step 5

now melt the pen barrell on the crayola using the lighter or the stove
(this will be the handle u use for the bolt action)

Step 6: Step 6

assemble like this


Step 7: Step 7

now take the rubberbands and attach to the barell and from there to the handle for the bolt action.

Step 8: Step 8

YOUR DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now just take whatever u wanna load and use the bolt action. wrap the ammo in the kleenex for tight fit and blow really hard and you got yourself a working bic bolt action blow gun my man!!

heres a vid on how do do this (reccommended watch for proper load and use)