Introduction: Zombie Friend?

About: Mother of two, one seven month old and one husband. I love to make things and to collaborate with other crafters.

Who doesn't like friends? Okay, so zombies aren't the greatest of friends, but just look at that gentle soul behind those button eyes.

This project is very quick and a great way to put a use to those worn gloves or resurrect a lone glove.

Step 1: Materials.

Gather your materials and prepare for the resurrection.

-A Glove
-Something to use as eyes
-Embroidery thread

Step 2: The Creation Begins.

Cut thumb and ribbed wrist off of glove and stuff with preferred filling all the way into the fingers.

Step 3: Sewing the Head.

With embroidery thread blanket stitch the top of the zombies head. Do not do a perfect job here! Remember this is a zombie and who really wants a perfect zombie?

If you don't know how to blanket stitch there is an illustrated guide in the pictures. Once you come to the end of the head you can continue the stitches onto the face or tie off and add stitches somewhere else.

Step 4: Face Stitching.

You can continue by stitching the face in the same manner. I usually double over it just to give them a thicker look.

Step 5: Adding Eyes.

Get an idea of where you want your zombie eyes and attach. I like to use buttons, but you can also just draw them on, stitch them or use felt. (Really, you can use whatever you want as eyes.)

Step 6: Adding a Mouth.

I like to stitch on the mouth, but be as creative as you want!

Step 7: Raising the Arms in Zombie Like Fashion.

To raise the arms I use a thread that will blend in with the color of glove that I am using.

1. Pinch arm into position wanted.
2. Stitch through the top of the forearm connecting it to the underside of the cheek.
3. Continue across until zombie arm looks to be in position wanted and tie off.

Step 8: Finishing Touches.

Get out some makeup, dirt, art supplies, and make your zombie beautiful!

Here I just used some makeup to enhance some of his characteristics. I used eyeshadow and blush.

Then I sewed up his head wound leaving a little stuffing protruding. The stitches will ensure no more stuffing will come out and help keep the fiber showing in place.

Step 9: Friends!

Look at that! He's already made friends with a zombie made out of a gardening glove. It makes a mother proud!

Craft Skills Contest

Participated in the
Craft Skills Contest

DIY Halloween Contest

Participated in the
DIY Halloween Contest