Introduction: $1 Fix for Saggy Couch Cushions

About: I love writing, DIYing, Crossfit, and playing board games. My fantasy novels are available on Amazon and my short stories have been appeared in Spark, Abyss and Apex, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Stupefying Stor…

With a needle, thread, a few buttons, and 15 minutes, you can convert your couch cushions from sagging, shapeless sacks to sculpted, snugly supports.

Here's how:

Step 1: Remove the Stuffing

Step 2: Thread a Needle

Stick thread through the eye of the needle.

Loop the thread and tie a knot, leaving yourself a foot or two of thread to work with.

Step 3: Sew the Cushion Together With Buttons

If you're unfamiliar with how to sew buttons, there are some good instructables (like this one).

I used four buttons to pinch my cushion together in two places. Depending on the size of your cushion and how firm you want it, you might use more or less.

Step 4: Stuff the Stuffing Back In

Step 5: Enjoy

Don't want to sew buttons? Don't want to get up? Looking for an excuse to procrastinate? Check out my website for more articles, short stories, and two novels about teenage medieval secret agents!).

Thanks for reading.

Before and After Contest

Runner Up in the
Before and After Contest

Unusual Uses Challenge

Participated in the
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Bedroom Contest

Participated in the
Bedroom Contest