Introduction: 100+ Amazing Arduino Projects|Learn by Doing Arduino Quick Tutorial

About: A Mechatronics Engineer , Public Speaker and writer.

This is the Quick introduction about arduino Projects.
We will Learn Arduino by Doing Projects.A 100+ amazing arduino projects Tutorials with Circuit diagrams and source codes. A complete series of Arduino projects video Tutorials.
Watch the video and Subscribe on YouTube for Complete step by step tutorials and Amazing Arduino project ideas.

Step 1: Projects List

Here is the list of few projects: I am giving few project ideas here,rest of the Tutorials and codes will be on

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  1. Line following
  2. Soccer playing
  3. Rat Brained
  4. Wall Climbing

2- Arduino Temperature Controlled Fan
A simple fan that will be controlled with Temperature.It's an old project but simple and easy to learn fro arduino programming.The Dc fan will be controlled with temperature variations.

3-Candy vending Machine

Candy vending Machine is completely a Mechatronics project. To design a mechanical system and controlling of multiple motors with arduino.

4-Weather Display Box

A weather report displaying Box. Arduino controlled with some temperature sensors.

5-Arduino Sign language converter

Arduino sign language converter is a community service project. To make a device that reads the sign language for deaf and dumb people and convert into speech or display. This project has been done in different ways.The starting was with colored gloves then image processing through matlab.Now days a most common hand Gesture control that reads signs but we will done this project with the different approach with Leap motion or with other motion sensors.

6-Brain controlled Wheel Chair:

Brain Controlled wheel chair is not an easy project.It takes some time to complete.But if we are using brain headsets i think it will be an easy task.We will not use ready made headsets we will design a system that itself read brain waves and decode into a filtered digital output that can be readable by arduino. Then Apllication could be anything we have some great secret ideas for this project.

7-3D motion Controller

3D motion Controller is another great project.Imagine you are controlling your room appliances without any touch.Its an innovative 3D technology mostly used in playing 3D games.We will do lots of different and Unique projects with it.There are different 3D Motion sensors available.

8-Smart Home Automation

It's a quite common project.We will do this in a smart way.Most of the senior design and power related projects have been done on this topic.

9-Arduino Based QuadCopter

Quad copters are now easily approachable.we will design a Quadcopter based on arduino.


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