Introduction: Orangeaid With Oj and Sugar

This easy orange aid can be made in two minutes with minimal materials. There are no set amounts, these are just my recommendations. By the way, I did not come up with this recipe, it was actually shown to me by a friend.

Step 1: Gather Materials

easy enough, just get a large glass, orange juice, a spoon of sugar, and a spoon.

Step 2: Pouring the Orange Juice

Again, you can pour any amount of orange juice, but I recommend about 1/3 a glass.

Step 3: Just Add Water

fill the rest of the glass up with cold water, so that you have a somewhat transparent orange juice.

Step 4: Add Sugar

add about one spoonful of sugar. again, this amount may vary due to your likings.

Step 5: Stir

stir with spoon so that the sugar doesn't stay on the bottom.