Introduction: 2D ATOM IN a TIN

About: HI! My name is Zagif. I like to make diy things. I usually make easy things. Sometime I prank my brother and sister but making weird inventions out of there things that they don't use!!! :)

This is an easy project. Good for kids.You can modify how you want.

Step 1: Step 1: Gather the Supplies.

You don't need much things. The things you will need are

  1. A tin box (bigger the better)
  2. Marker 3-4 color (Mine is black, green, red and blue)
  3. Hands and eyes ;)

Step 2: Step 2: Draw the Neutron and Proton.

I drew it with my red and blue marker.

Proton = Electron

Step 3: Step 3: Draw the Nucleus

I drew the nucleus in green.

Nucleus is where there is proton and neutron inside.

Step 4: Step 4: Draw the Electrons

I drew the electrons in black.

Mass number - (proton or electron) = neutron

Step 5: Step 5: Draw the Details

I drew the details in black. You can also label the parts but my marker cant fit and the tin is small.

Step 6: DONE!!!

It's done!!! I hope you guys like it. It is my first time publishing an instruction :) THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

(the sticker didn't all get off..I was too lazy to get them all off)

Explore Science Contest 2017

Participated in the
Explore Science Contest 2017

Untouchable Challenge

Participated in the
Untouchable Challenge