Introduction: 3Doodled Army Men

About: I like beatboxing and my favorite beatboxer is alem. I also own a 3doodler and love making things with it!

These are my 3doodled army men I made with green ABS plastic on a sheet of printer paper. Hope you like them!

Step 1: Base

First you will have to create an oval base like shown in the picture.

Step 2: Legs

You will then have to create two legs by tightly spiraling two posts like in the picture.

Step 3: Body

Next you need to connect the two legs together. Then you will just need to keep layering over it like in the picture.

Step 4: Arms

To create the arms you will need to do something similar to the legs but have one coming forward and one to the side like in the photo.

Step 5: Gun

To create the gun you just need to add bulk to arm going to the side and add a straight line. Then you need to connect the other arm to the gun. This is shown in the picture.

Step 6: Head

To create the head just make a ball on the top as shown in the picture.

Step 7: Finished

These are my army men hope you enjoyed making and playing with them!

3D Design Contest

Participated in the
3D Design Contest

Homemade Gifts Contest

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest