Introduction: 5 Ways to Save Water

About: I pwn noobs!

In this instructable you will learn how to save water. Read this seriously or for pleasure it doesn't make a difference to me. P.S. this is my first instructable so it won't be great. P.S.S. I would enjoy your critism and ratings so please comment!!!

Step 1: 1. Rainbarrel

Catch the rain in a barrel. Usually people put them at the spout. The water from the roof rolls into a gutter. The water leaves the gutter through the spout. Use one of the many instructables on this site to learn exactly what to do. Use the water to water plants around your house.

Step 2: 2. Shower

How often do you waste water waiting for it to warm up. A lot I guess. A simple solution is to collect the cold water to use on plants. Take a bucket, a large bucket, and while the water is warming place the bucket under the jet .When the water is warm take out the bucket and take your shower.
Another way to save water is while your shampooing and using soap turn the water off. Don't worry the heat will stay unless you take forever to use soap.

P.S. Don't use the soapy water on plants. Some of stuff may be harmful to plants.

Step 3: 3. Lawn

Lawns are perhaps the greatest water waster. The thick mat of rootsdoesn't allow water to soak the soil.The water is stuck on the top and simply evaporates before it is used. Ther are simple solution: 1. Don't have a lawn. You can just plant native grasses. They barely need any water because they are used to the amount of water naturally in the soil from rain. 2. Use all of your rainbarrel water on the lawn. 3. Just be very carefull you don't use too much water.

Step 4: Plants

Use the rain in your rain barrel to water your plants. Just use some water from the rainbarrel to water your thirstly little plants.To use the water from the rain barrel to water your plants just open the valve and let the water pour into the watering tool that you are using.

Step 5: Simple and Obvious Water Savers

1.Don't leave the water running while brushing your teeth.

2.Make shure you turn the water off all the way.

3.Don't waste water for no reason.

4.If you do want to save the soapy shower water use it to wash your car

P.S. Please don't contaminate water. Important animals in some ecosytems are dieing off. Mant animals could die off from all the polution.