Introduction: Engineering a 2D Printed Logo Into a 3D Object

This project describes how to turn an image of a logo into a printable 3D object

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk 123D Design

No drawing required!

Instructions Courtesy of Rick Valdez

Step 1: Open Original Image in Adobe Photoshop

Open image of logo in Adobe Photoshop

Step 2: Adjust Levels

A. Open the Levels dialog box (Command-L)
B. Slide the left arrow in the histogram to the right to increase contrast

Step 3: Select Outer Area of Image

A. Select a square of the outer area
B. Choose “Similar” from the Select menu

Step 4: Clear the Background

Select “Clear” from the Edit menu

Step 5: Save Image As PSD

Save the image without the background as a Photoshop file

Step 6: Open File in Adobe Illustrator

Open the Photoshop PSD file in Adobe Illustrator

Step 7: Use Image Trace to Create Outline

A. Using the Magic Wand Tool, click on the image of the elephant
B. Select “Image Trace” from the Windows menu

Step 8: Activate Image Trace

Click the “Image Trace” button

Step 9: Expand to Add Bezier Curve

Click the “Expand” button

Step 10: Stroke Bezier Curve

A. IMPORTANT: Add 1 pt. stroke
B. Choose zero Fill to check

Step 11: Isolate the Logo

A. Select the white arrow Direct Selection Tool
B. Surround the logo with the tool to highlight all the points
C. Copy the logo to the Clipboard (command-C)

Step 12: Paste Clean Logo Into New Document

A. Open a new document
B. Paste the logo into the new document. Ensure that the bounding box only includes the logo.

Step 13: Save for Export

Save a copy as Format: Illustrator EPS

Step 14: Launch 123D Design Online

A. Launch Autodesk’s
B. Select “Launch 123D Design Online”

Step 15: Import EPS

Select “Import...” from the File menu

Step 16: Image Placement

The image is placed

Step 17: Selecting Press/Pull Menu

A. Move the model and magnify in
B. Select “Press/Pull” from under Finishing Tools

Step 18: Extrude Model

Pull the controls to add dimension to the EPS file.

Step 19: Save File to Autodesk Cloud

Save Project to Private storage
( Requires free Autodesk account )

Step 20: Open in Autodesk 123D Design APP

A. Open the Autodesk 123D Design App ( Free application )
B. Show as “Materials and Outlines”

Step 21: Save As STL for Printing

Export as STL file

Note: Imported models have many data points. Expect slow response times.

Step 22: Send to Printer

Provide STL File to 3D Service Bureau or print on your own printer