Introduction: Altoids and Trident Together at Last

Do you like to chew gum?
are you sick of the paper packaging getting ripped open in your pocket, so you have a pocket full of individual gum pieces?

If so read on.

Step 1: Get the Items You Need

Get these two items

1) an altoids smalls container.
2) a pack of your favorite gum.

Step 2: Trident Removal

Open the package of Trident and remove 10 pieces.

Step 3: Empty Altoids

Empty the Altoids smalls container.

Step 4: Altoids and Trident Together at Last

Take the ten pieces of gum and put in altoid smalls container.

You now have a 10 pack of gum that will stay in one place and will stay dry.

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest