Introduction: Arduino Based Moto Racer Playing Robotic Hand

In 21st century the field of robotics have emerged very quickly and continues to bringing new technological advances to many sectors of society.With the belief that it's only a matter of time before the robots rise and replace all humans. The robots are not only being used in automotive and medical industries for doing work but now it is also used for entertainment purpose such as games.

This project is inspired from Kuka Robot one of the fastest robot on earth specialized in table tennis manufactured in Germany and flappy bird one of the game which was automated and played by image processing phenomena. In this project, the game “Racing Moto” one of the popular mobile app is automated by robotic hand.

Step 1: Basic Components Required

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. Resistor
  3. Phototransistor
  4. Robotic Hand

Step 2: Final Connections and Calibrations

Make the circuit on Veroboard i.e. one end of 15k? resistor is placed with the collector of phototransistor while the other end of resistor is supplied with 5 volts power supply and the emitter of the transistor is grounded. The analog pin of arduino is placed at the junction between collector and resistor. Three circuits in same configuration is made.

In the circuit given below Q1, Q2 and Q3 are the phototransistors and A0,A1 and A2 are the analog input pins of arduinouno from which the values will be observed.

Once the values are selected, to check and satisfy that the values are either correct or not means whether the values are differentiating between the presence and absence of obstacle or not. For this reason three LED’s are placed in the circuit. They will glow each time the intensity crosses the threshold range.
The three LEDs one for each lane are connected to the digital output pins of arduino (i.e. digital pins 7, 8 and 9). They will glow ‘ON’ when sensor will detect the presence of cars and will remain ‘OFF’ when no car present. Here in this figure, LED (D3) attached with digital pin 9 is ‘ON’ which indicates that the car is detected at analog pin A2 (further explained in next step).

The analog pins (A0,A1,A2) and digital pins(7,8,9) are related with each other in such a manner that the instance at which the car will be right under the sensor, the analog pin (A0) will cross its set threshold range which means the LED at pin 7 will GLOW at that time else remains OFF. Similarly A1 and A2 are linked with pins 8 and 9 respectively.

In Racing Moto, the direction of the bike is controlled by tilting the cell phone. This can be done by robotic hand which consists of servo motor. This motor is programmed to tilt the hand at desired angle. The mobile phone is placed in the base (any material can be used as base). Here a box is used which is made same as that the size of the mobile with small roof so that the Vero board (sensor circuit) can be mounted on the mobile. This box is placed on the gripper of the robotic hand.

Step 3: Arduino Code

Step 4: Project Working Video

Step 5: Project Credits:

1) Sumayya Mehfooz

2) Hina Iftikhar

3) Saad Abdullah

Arduino All The Things! Contest

Participated in the
Arduino All The Things! Contest