Introduction: Arduino R.C Car Figure 8

There are several steps in involved in making your R.C. car to do a figure 8 using Arduino.

The first step that i took was to identify the left turn, right turn, backwards and forwards. I did this by connection a wire too GND (Ground) at touching the other end on different solder patches on the circuit board.

Step 1: Preparing the Circuit Board

The second step that i took was preparing the circuit board. I first removed the long black board that is in the second picture.P I soldered four rainbow cord too a piece that connects the cord to the Arduino, on the other end of this the rainbow chord was soldered into the four holes the that makes the car go forward, backward, left and right.

Step 2: Uploading Code

The third step was too get the code, write it into my Arduino application. After this changed the serial port (under tools) too the fith out of the six options. I then connected the Arduino too the computer then uploaded the code.

The code that i used was the following: /*

Car Test Makes the modified RC car go in a figure 8. Plug the striped white wires into the Arduino pins as */ int forward = 12; // forward pin int reverse = 11; // reverse pin int left = 10; // left pin int right = 9; // right pin

// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts

void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as an outputs: pinMode(forward, OUTPUT); pinMode(reverse, OUTPUT); pinMode(left, OUTPUT); pinMode(right, OUTPUT); }

void go_forward() { digitalWrite(forward,HIGH); // turn forward motor on digitalWrite(reverse,LOW); // turn revers motor off }

void go_reverse() { digitalWrite(reverse,HIGH); // turn reverse motor on digitalWrite(forward,LOW); // turn forward notor off }

void stop_car() { digitalWrite(reverse,LOW); // turn revers motor off digitalWrite(forward,LOW); // turn forward motor off digitalWrite(left,LOW); digitalWrite(right,LOW); }

void go_left() { digitalWrite(left,HIGH); // turn left motor on digitalWrite(right,LOW); // turn right motor off }

void go_right() { digitalWrite(right,HIGH); // turn right motor on digitalWrite(left,LOW); // tune left motor off }

// the loop() method runs over and over again, // as long as the Arduino has power

void loop() { go_forward(); delay(1000); go_right(); delay(3000); go_forward(); delay(1000); go_left(); delay(3000); go_forward(); delay(1000); go_right(); delay(3000); }

Step 3: Pictures and Videos