Introduction: Asado Argentino (Argentinian BBQ)

I am going to show how to make a real "Asado" like the ones we do here in Argentina (sorry for my english please :)

Step 1: Cuts of Bovine Meat

We have a wide variety of cuts of bovine meat

The best for "Asado" are:

Tapa de asado
Paleta o Punta de Espalda

Step 2: Ingredients and Materials

On the first place we need a "parrilla"
"Leña" (wood or logs)
"Sal Gruesa o Parrillera" (cooking salt)
BBQ Utensils

Step 3: Making Fire

We start doing a wood tower and put a ball of paper in the bottom.

We must put the big wood below the other logs

Step 4: Ignition !!!

Ignite the paper

Step 5: To Put Salt to the Meat

put salt to the meat

Step 6: Putting Meat

after 40 minutes aprox. we have a lot a hot embers and we are reade to put the parrilla on them

move to the side the logs and spread the embers

put meat on "parrilla"

Step 7: Wait 40 Minutes

after 40 minutes and turn over

Step 8: 20 Minutes Later !

make a cut to see if the inside is ready

the cook time depends on you taste (underdone or very very done) jajaja

Step 9: Cut, Serve and Eat

First serve the chorizos then meat !