Introduction: Awesome Paintball Squeegee

Instead of buying a squeegee you could make on for free or very little. (First instructable, please comment)

Step 1: Supplies

Gather supplies

-pneumatic tubing
-old t-shirt
-duct tape
-small wire

-xacto knife
-wire cutters

Step 2: Cutting

Using your xacto knife, cut a piece of tubing about six inches longer than your barrel. then, cut 2 square holes close to the end 180 degrees apart. Next cut a 8x8 piece of t-shirt. You also need some thin wire. I got mine from an old speaker wire.

Step 3: Wrapping

Get the center of your t-shirt piece and lay it next to the tube. Next, put your wire through the hole and wrap it around the cloth several times.

Step 4: Duct Tape

Tape around the wire so it will not scratch your barrel.

Step 5: Cleaning

Run the squeegee through your barrel several times to clean it.