Introduction: Baking Soda and Vineger Grenade

About: I build things and play video games just like any and every other American.

This instructable will show and teach you how to make a grenade out of a baby lucas bottle, Baking Soda, and Vineger

Step 1: Materials

You will need:
1)Toilet paper
2)Baby Lucas Bottle
3)Baking Soda

Step 2: Set Up Part 1

Pour vineger into the clear bottom part 1/3 of the way full.

Step 3: Set Up Part 2

Fill the cap with Baking Soda.

Step 4: Set Up Part 3

Fold one square of toilet paper twice so that it still looks like a square.

Step 5: Set Up Part 4

Cover the cap with the folded square of toilet paper.

Step 6: Se Up Part 5

keep the bottom part on a sturdy flat surface, and squeeze the cap back into place, and your ready to go.

Step 7: Makin' It Happen!!!!!!

Shake the bottle fast and then throw it at your target. This will need to happen in about 1 1/2 seconds because it works its magic pretty fast.

Step 8: Most Likely to Shatter...

If you wanna make this thing shatter, duct tape the hole on the inside and rim on the outside, ***OR***, Keep the little thing that covered the hole on. For max shaterage, throw it straight up and make it land on asphault or concrete.(Leaving the thing on works best.)