Introduction: Bananas Brulee

Nothing says "Dessert!" like a propane torch. This dessert is fast and easy to make, and most guests are impressed by the visual appeal of combining of dangerous tools and food!

Also, since Valentine's Day is coming up, this is a good way to make your special someone a unique treat while also wooing them with your torch wielding skills. Maybe if you have some properly curved bananas you can arrange them in the shape of a heart!

Also, it's a great treat for the kids. Even the young ones can help out with cutting the bananas or spooning on the sugar.

DANGER! DANGER! - This instructable uses a propane torch with an open flame capable of burning skin, hair, clothing, pets, furniture, and pretty much anything else combustible if it isn't used properly. If it is used properly, then none of those things should happen. Personal protective equipment should be used when appropriate.

Credit where credit is due - I learned about this from Alton Brown's TV show Good Eats. Check it out sometime, best cooking show ever.

Step 1: What You Need

You need some bananas (obviously), sugar, and a torch of some sort. A propane torch works fine, but the little hand-held butane torches will work too. Lighters, matches, and hair-dryers won't work. A scaled down version of Archimedes death ray might work, but that seems like too much trouble to construct.

Also, you'll need something fireproof to work on. We usually use a cookie sheet. Be careful you don't melt anything underneath it.

Step 2: Preparations

Leave the peels on and cut the bananas lengthwise, then crosswise to get 4 pieces with large flat sides. Coat the exposed side with sugar. You can either spread the sugar out on a plate and rub the banana into it, or sprinkle it on with a spoon. We like the spoon method.

Step 3: Meltdown

This is the tricky part. You need to melt the sugar and carmelize it, but NOT burn it. Sugar can catch on fire if you heat it too much. Also, make sure the peels are still on. If you remove the peels, the sides of the bananas will burn.

Light the torch and apply the flame to the sugar. Only the tip of the flame needs to touch the sugar. It will start to melt, then bubble and turn brown. Keep the torch moving so you don't over do it and burn the sugar.

The caramel is done it should have a shiny, glassy appearance.

Step 4: Enjoy

Let it cool a minute or so and enjoy. If you let them sit too long, the caramel will get soggy. Letting them sit for too long has never been a problem at our house.

Hope you liked our instructable and you try it for yourself! Vote for it if you like it.