Introduction: Batch RPG Starting Piont

This is a quick starting point for a batch file text based game. My idea was a dnd type game using the D20 system.
Let's begin!

Step 1: Batch

To create a batch first open notepad and remember when you save the file change the .txt to .bat by saving it as filename.bat

Step 2: Script

Copy and paste this into notepad:

@echo off
title Mage Quest
echo Mage Guild
echo Enter Name
set /p name=
set pick=7
goto start
set /a pick=%pick% -1
set lvl=1
set armor=0
set /a ac=(10 +((%lvl% /2) +%armor%))
set setscore=%pick% +10
echo What will your %pick%th highest stat be?
echo 1 Strength
echo 2 Constitution
echo 3 Dexterity
echo 4 Intelligence
echo 5 Wisdom
echo 6 Charisma
set /p chsc=choice1~6
if %chsc%==1 set /a str=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %chsc%==2 set /a con=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %chsc%==3 set /a dex=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %chsc%==4 set /a int=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %chsc%==5 set /a wis=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %chsc%==6 set /a cha=(%setscore% +(%lvl% /2))
if %pick%==0 goto charstats
if %pick%==0 cls
goto start
echo %name%
echo Strength %str%
echo Chomstitution %con%
echo Dexterity %dex%
echo Intelligence %int%
echo Wisdom %wis%
echo Charisma %cha%
echo AC %ac%

Step 3: Done!

I hope this was helpful!