Introduction: Black Powder

About: Hi, I am Griffen. Joy and you will see that most of my instructables will be about Farming, building things to ripp around your property on, blacksmithing, and knife making.

Well, I was board one day and decided to make Black Powder. So I went on youtube and looked up " How to Make Black Powder", after that, I went to work. This whole process takes about 5-10 minutes.

Step 1: Materials

- Highlighter
- Matches
- pliers
- pop can
- metal shears or scissors

Step 2: Pop Can Tray

First, you get your pop can and metal shears or scissors and cut the bottom off the can.

Step 3: Shaving the Matches

Second, you get your pliers and shave the red part off them.

Step 4: Mixing in Charcoal

Third, get your charcoal and put it in with the match parts. Mix them and grind them.

Step 5: Add Some More Match Parts ( If Needed)

If you need to, mix some more of the red part of the match in.

Step 6: Finished

Now you have finished Black Powder.