Introduction: Bookcase LEGO

About: the art of mastering useless things, that I dominate. I love building things when I think of something I want to do. I do many things LEGO. I'm not the best to create but I'm good.

learn how to build a beautiful bookcase LEGO along with some books that you can change, a VHS machine (it's old, I know) and a vase of flowers

Step 1: Pieces

12 angular brick 1x1 gray
18 plate 1x4 any color (in my case I'm using red yellow gray and black)
3 plate 4x8 gray
2 plate 4x6 gray
6 bricks 1x4 red
6 bricks 1x2 gray
1 brick 1x4 w. 4 knobs
1 brick 1x2 m. 2 holes
1 brick 1x6 black
3 plate 1x1 round
1 flat tile 1x2 display
6 flat tile 1x4
3 stick/aerial
1 barrel 2x2
1 trophy
4 plate 1x10

Step 2: Bookcase

gather the pieces shown in the image and follow the sequence turn the shelf to up the pictures show it upside down

Step 3: Flower Vase

use the parts shown in the pictures and follow the sequence

Step 4: VHS Machine

use the parts shown in the pictures and follow the sequence

Step 5: Books

take the parts shown in the pictures and follow the sequence of images. I made four types of book (and then did another not shown) but can do it the way you prefer.