Introduction: Bookend Made of CDs.

Here's how to make a decent bookend out of used CDs.
Firstly, gather materials up(no glue needed):
1.soldering iron
2.three or more CDs
3.bow saw

Step 1: Cut the Slices

As the picture shown below,three cds are needed here,two as the base and back ,and two slices as strengthening ribs.

Use a bow saw to cut all the cds with proper size and two grooves on the base cd for mount ribs.

Step 2: Assembling

"Soldering" foregoing pieces at both sides of joints.

Warning: During this process might emit toxic gas.

Step 3: Done & Tests.

That's it,a stylish bookend for free. This ins. is compatible with CD and DVDs(HD & Blue-ray might be work)
These transparent disks are made of CD-ROM by filing it's back layers.
Have fun!