Introduction: Cat Litter Dust Control

About: I'm cheap and like to use what I have on hand and I really enjoy taking things apart to salvage parts. Rather than be a precise engineering type of person, I'm more of an enthusiastic tinkerer. Making things i…

I have two cats and as they are strictly indoor dwelling creatures, litter box maintenance is a regular occurence. Now if you've ever added litter to a cat box you know it is dusty stuff that kicks up everywhere. Especially when pouring from the super sized containers you get at warehouse clubs. This is a simple little trick I use to help control the dust.

Step 1: What You'll Need

  • A litter box that needs filling
  • A container of cat litter
  • a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment

Step 2: Positioning

Remove the litterbox cover. Then take your vacuum's hose and lay the end on the edge of the litter box.

Step 3: Turn on and Pour.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner and pour the new litter in near the hose. The suction of the vacuum will suck in most of those fine dust particles.

Unfortunately the lighting wasn't just right so you can't see the dust. But try it out and I think you'll be very satisfied.

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