Introduction: Cheesy Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs!

Kids (and grown-up kids) are gonna love 'em!

Step 1: The Ingredients

Hot Dogs of your choice (I used Turkey dogs. They cast the illusion of being healthy... and they were on sale :)
 -also any type of sausage would be awesome!

Cheese of any type! (I used Pepper Jack because I like a little spice ;)

Bacon! (I like to Partly Cook the bacon first so the dogs don't take as long to cook.)
*Make sure the bacon is still Floppy enough for wrapping!!!

Bread/ Bun (I didn't have buns, so I used a slice of bread. not as easy to eat that way, but still yummy!!!)

Step 2: The Assembly

Cute a slit down your Hot Dogs, or Sausage. This is where the cheese is going to live :)

Add the cheese!

Wrap it up with that tasty Bacon!!!

And Bake it all up!
425 degrees for about 15 minutes should be enough, depending on how crispy you want your Bacons :)

Step 3: The Noms

Toss those Hot Little Doggies on you "bun" and munch away!

*Awesome additions are Fried onions, Mustard, Relish, Peppers.... well... just about anything!!!!

Bacon Contest

Participated in the
Bacon Contest