Introduction: Cigar Box Amp!

What i have made is a cigar box amplifier. This amp is very simple to make and fun to use. Its also a great travel amp. hope you have fun building!

Step 1: Step 1: Parts

Gather Materials- follow picture. also you will need a soldering iron, solder, and a cigar box.

Step 2: Step 2: Circuit Board

Follow diagram for setting up circuit board and solder all wires in place.

Step 3: Step 3: Install Into Box

After everything is wired drill holes in your box and install the parts. 

Step 4: My Make-To-Learn Youth Answers

What I made- I have constructed a simple cigar box amp. I used a lot of electrical parts from radio shack and made it because I wanted a small travel amp for my guitar.

How I made it- this is pretty much all covered in instructable. 

Where I made it- I made this amp at my house as a fun project to occupy me and its very useful to me because I play a lot of guitar and this amp is perfect for on the go. 

What I learned- I learned a lot during this project. I learned about circuits and i learned how to solder. I am very happy with how my amp came out but if I make another one i will pay more attention to detail so it looks nicer. 

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