Introduction: Color Your Guitar or Bass Headstock Cheap and Fast

About: I have always loved building and modifying things. Some of my modifications have worked out very well for me so i figured i would share them. I look forward to being part of the Instructables community.

I recently decided my bass would look better with a black headstock. This is my fast, simple, and easily reversible solution.

It cost me $1.44 and took me less than 10 minutes start to finish.

All you need is:

1) a sheet of self adhesive craft vinyl. Got mine from ebay for $1.44
2) exacto knife.
3) Credit card, gift card, or anything similar.

Step by step.

1) Remove strings.
2)Remove tuners and string tree.
3)Remove the vinyl backing and place it on the headstock, lining it up with the fretboard.
4)Smooth the vinyl with a credit card to ensure a solid bond.
5)Trim the excess vinyl with an exacto knife.
6)Cut out vinyl from the tuner holes.
7)Replace tuners and strings

Absolutely not ideal. However I am pretty pleased with the outcome. And If it gets chewed up or I get sick of I can peel it off and I am only out $1.50.

Thanks for checking out my instructable.