Introduction: Cooking With Power Tools: Stuffed Zucchinnis

About: a hacker and a maker of potentially anything I can get my hands on. dad. aspiring Inventor. educator. hacking life, one bit at a time.
<<UPDATE: fixed video privileges, enabling youtube clip>>


In this short photo Instructable, I will demonstrate how the (nearly) ancient art of Zucchini stuffing can be semi-automated with the help of an electric drill:

Also including: A secret filling recipe.


2-3 lb. light-colored Zucchinis

1/2 cup rice
1/2 cup cranberries
1 cup chopped coriander
Some ground black pepper and cumin, per taste

Cooking Marinade:
Lemon juice from 1-2 lemons
2-3 spoons sugar
4-5 spoons olive oil


Electric drill
15mm drill bit
Low cooking pot
Mixing bowl

Preparation (please see video and photos):

1. Prepare the mix
2. Drill the Zucchinis
3. Fill the Zucchinis
4. Lay Zucchinis in a low pot, pour lemon juice, sugar and olive oil
5. Cook on low flame for 1-2 hours until Zucchinis are soft

Tip: Don't skip the lemon and sugar. This is what gives this dish it's kick typical taste.
Tip #2: Ground meat or chicken can be used instead of the coriander

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