Introduction: Custom Airsoft Muzzle Break (not Complete)

About: I'm a Christian guy who plays in a band. I like building stuff with knex and Legos. And I like Lord of the rings. And thats about it...

Step 1: Start

Find a toilet paper roll and cut it, then tightly wrap it around the existing muzzle break and then add tape around the whole roll

Step 2: Detail

Then take it off and cover the whole thing in masking tape to give it a smooth surface, then cut out holes in the end for looks (any hole size or shape you want) then Smoot out the inside.

Step 3: Finish

I have not finished but, spray paint it (Any color) and glue it on top of the existing muzzle break....and enjoy.....(you could also paper mâché it before spray painting to make it even more solid)..... Please comment