Introduction: DIY Flower Arrangement

Love to make home decor but on a budget. This wonderful flower arrangement was made using all Dollar Tree items for under $6. Hope you enjoy making this as much as I did.

Step 1: How to DIY Your Own Flower Arrangement

Step 1: Collect supplies. Flowers of your choice. I choose flower arrangement from Dollar Tree. You will also need E6000 glue purchased from any craft store, a bag of decorative rocks, candle holder, and candle vase, all purchased from Dollar Tree.

Step 2: Place a large amount of E6000 on top of the candle holder. Turn candle vase upside down on flat surface then place candle holder with E6000 side onto the bottom of the vase. Let dry for 24 hours.

Step 3: Make sure candle holder and candle vase are fully intact, place right side up. Place bag of rocks of your choice into the candle vase.

step 4: Measure height of how you would like flowers to sit in candle vase. This can be done by just eyeing and putting flower arrangement up against candle vase on the outside.

Step 5: Once you have an idea of where you would like flowers to be, cut flowers with wire cutters.

Step 7: Place flowers in candle vase and arrange to your likings.